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Coronavirus FAQs | Procedures | Ironstone Wellbeing Centre

Corona Virus FAQs

In light of the current situation regarding Coronavirus please see below some answers to frequently asked questions and the procedures we are implementing. Our Ironstone family is incredibly important to us, and we are grateful for your continued support. We will continue to keep you updated via email, this web page and our Facebook page as the situation develops. Thank you for your support. 

Q: If I have a cough or a high temperature, but I feel fine can I still come to class?

A: No. For the health and safety of yourself and others, please do not come to class.

Q: Do I need to bring my own equipment?

A: We are asking all customers to bring their own mat, towels, and props. Ironstone will be providing blocks. Please make sure any equipment which is borrowed is thoroughly cleaned after use before leaving the class.

Q: Will I need to wear a mask?

Masks are optional when moving around the centre. You do not need to wear the mask during the class. 

Q: How are you implementing Track and Trace?

A: Members’ details are stored in our booking system, if we are notified of multiple cases within the same class we would let you know.

Q: What extra precautions are you taking to prevent the virus?

A: At Ironstone we have taken the decision to revise our timetable. The main changes include staggered start times and a one-way entrance and exit system which is clearly signposted.  We have also reduced class sizes to 12 plus the instructor to ensure we are following 2 metre social distancing, have implemented additional cleaning practices, provided additional hand sanitiser stations and will be stressing the importance of good hygiene amongst our users. We are reviewing the government advice and will constantly be reacting and adapting our approach. For now, we are asking all customers to bring their own mat, towels, and props. 

Q: How is social distancing being implemented?

Although you no longer need to social distance, please place your mat in the taped off squares on the studio floor. Please respect each other’s space and ensure a safe distance between one another whilst moving around the building. It remains important that we operate classes in line with Ironstone’s Covid risk policy until such time as we feel able to further reduce the measures we take and so, we do ask that all members and instructors follow the squares as marked out in the studios for now.

Q: What is the one-way system?

A: Please enter the building through the door into the reception/café area and exit through what was originally the main entrance. This is clearly signed.

Q: What to do on arrival?

A: Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to start of your class. Please continue to sanitise your hands before entering the building from the dispenser by the door, sign in to your class at reception and continue to the relevant studio for your class.  For the purposes of the track & trace process, it is important that you continue to sign in to class at reception before proceeding straight to the relevant studio.

Q: Will the Changing rooms be open?

A: Yes. If using lockers, please sanitise the key with the wipes provided after use. Guidance on remaining Covid secure when using the changing rooms is provided in each facility.

Q: When will you be changing class sizes back to normal?

A: We will be maintaining the 2-metre rule in between mats. We will assess the situation and will increase capacity as and when we feel safe to do so.

If you have any further questions do please get in touch at info@ironstone.club

© 2022 Ironstone Wellbeing Centre 
Ironstone Place, Kettering
Northamptonshire, NN14 1FN