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Classes | Yoga | Hot Yoga | Kettering | Ironstone Wellbeing Centre


What we offer


Here at the Ironstone Wellbeing Centre, in Kettering, Northamptonshire we offer a wide range of yoga classes with something to suit everyone. We have a purpose-built hot yoga studio where we offer everything from the Original Hot Yoga, Flow Yoga, Power Yoga, Hatha Yoga, and Yin Yoga in 37-40 degree heat. The heat is brilliant for warming up muscles, increasing strength and flexibility and working up a sweat.

If hot is not your thing and you are looking for something slightly gentler, we also offer warm (a gentler 28-30 degrees) and normal temperature yoga classes.

What is YOGA?

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. The main components of yoga are postures; a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility and breathing. The practice originated in India approximately 5,000 years ago.

There are many different styles of yoga on offer, such as Hatha, Flow and Yin Yoga and at the centre we offer a great variety to choose from.  Yoga is inclusive, whether you are looking for a gentle hatha practice or are looking to be challenged in a power yoga class, our classes are suitable for all levels. We have expert teachers who can adapt and guide throughout so you will leave feeling relaxed, recharged, and energised. Each instructor has their own unique individual teaching approach. Classes can vary in duration but typically last between 60 and 90 minutes. We encourage you try them all to find what works best and is most enjoyable for you.

We also offer seated yoga and gentle yoga classes, perfect for those with limited mobility, those recovering from an injury or surgery or for who just want a slightly slower paced class. Yoga is a safe and effective way to increase physical activity, especially strength, flexibility and balance. It is also recommended for older adults at risk of falls, to help improve balance and co-ordination. Regular yoga practice is proven to be beneficial for people with high blood pressure, aches and pains – including lower back pain, along with depression and stress. Yoga is often prescribed by the NHS for these exact reasons.

For more information regarding the specific yoga classes which we offer in centre follow the links. Check out what we have to offer in our studios for yoga in Kettering.

What is Hot Yoga?

Hot yoga can be a variety of styles of yoga, which are practiced in a 37-40 degree heat. Our yoga classes are suitable for all levels. We have a purpose-built hot yoga studio where we offer everything from Original Hot Yoga, Flow Yoga [Vinyasa Flow], Rocket Yoga, Hatha Yoga, and Yin Yoga. If the heat is not for you, we also offer warm [28-30 degrees] and regular yoga classes.

Original Hot Yoga

The style formerly known as Bikram Yoga, originally conceived in Calcutta by the Ghosh lineage, is a series of 26 ancient hatha yoga postures and 2 breathing exercises, practised in the heat to allow for deeper and safer stretching. This class takes place in the hot yoga studio.


Flow Yoga classes aim to be strong, but accessible and fun, with an emphasis on exploring the balance of strength and softness within poses and helping students listen to and become more aware of their bodies and breath. The Vinyasa element focuses on using the breath to flow the different postures together. Available in hot and normal temperatures. 


Our Hatha Yoga classes are practiced in either a hot room or at normal room temperature. They are a dynamic experience that has a varied series of postures designed to challenge and lift both body, mind and soul. Each class will be different, will challenge you, will be physically strong and allow you leave your practice calm, centred and relaxed. Classes are suitable for all levels – all you need to do is come with a can-do attitude. 

yin yoga

Practised in either a warm room, hot room or at normal room temperature. Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with poses that are held for longer periods of time (typically 5 minutes) in an effort to release deep tissues, fascia, ligaments, joints and bone. The heated room complements the Yin poses, loosening the muscles and promoting the release of the deep tissues whilst relieving stress and anxiety, increasing circulation, balancing the emotions and building stamina.

Hot Rocket Yoga

Refresh and revitalize with Hot Rocket Yoga.  A challenging, dynamic, flow class that will develop your strength, deepen your flexibility and unite your body and mind.  Rocket is a modified version of Ashtanga Yoga, comprising of twists, bends and sun salutations, and is intended to be more accessible than traditional ashtanga. 37-40 degree heat.

Soulful Flow Yoga

A flow class, focusing on uniting mind, body and breath. We start with active postures to warm and strengthen the body, melting into softer flexibility work to encourage relaxation.  Classes often explore setting intentions to enable students to take their learnings off of the mat and into real life.

Beginners Yoga

This class will explore the foundations of a physical yoga practice, with breathing, yoga postures and meditation / relaxation. This class is suitable for both beginners and also the more experienced yogi who is looking to progress their technique. 


Seated yoga is a gentle practice in which postures are performed while seated and/or with the aid of a chair. Chair yoga classes are suitable for those with physical disabilities or who typically might find a typical yoga session too challenging. It is also a great form of yoga for beginners or anyone who wants to focus on a gentle practice.

Pregnancy Yoga

These classes focus on a combination of yoga-inspired postures, breathing, relaxation and mindfulness techniques along with massage and equipment such as yoga balls. Our classes are designed to build your connection with the baby as well as strengthening the body, relaxing the mind for birth and alleviating some of the discomforts of pregnancy.

Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga involves practicing asanas (poses) with use of props to support the body. Restorative Yoga involves holding long poses to reduce stress and prepare the body and mind for rest. Expect a very relaxing atmosphere and to leave ready for a peaceful nights sleep.

Yang to Yin

Balancing the dynamic, warming and upward Yang Yoga with Yin – passive, slow holds which work on the deep connective tissues. The yang element of the class will improve strength and fitness in your flow, whilst the yin element will work on softness, flexibility and mindfulness. 

© 2022 Ironstone Wellbeing Centre 
Ironstone Place, Kettering
Northamptonshire, NN14 1FN