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Women's Wellbeing and Yoga | Kettering | Ironstone Wellbeing Centre

More Than a Yoga Class: Women’s Wellbeing and Yoga

Our women’s wellbeing and yoga groups aren’t just yoga, they benefit you on a far deeper level. When women connect and share they release a hormone called oxytocin, which helps us to deal with stress. So each time you come to class, not only are you moving your body, you are also really positively affecting your wellbeing. Not through the activity of yoga but through connecting in circle, this aspect to class is just as important as the physical practice.  The women that have been coming to class say that they feel a level of support that they do not feel in other yoga classes, they can feel the difference even when they may not understand why.

In this class, it really is ok to come however you are feeling, move however feels good for your body and literally be. The feminine was not made for competition, so it is important to create a safe space, where every being is greeting and accepted just as they are. Even if you just want to lay on your mat for the hour, that is OK.

During class we may do exercises connected with our wombs & wellbeing as a woman. This helps us to re-establish positive connections with our womanhood, where we can openly talk and connect. Periods are still often a taboo subject, but it’s important for each woman to understand the journey of their cycle. Each part of the cycle can affect how you feel and if you understand this, then you can learn to plan your time to really enjoy the benefits of working with yourself.

We end the hour with relaxation, deepening our time for rest and moving our bodies into our parasympathetic nervous system, often with some gentle massage and sound, leaving you feeling yummy and content. We honour each other, we accept where we are and we leave feeling connected, rested and supported. I hope to see you in a women’s wellbeing and yoga class soon.

Olivia 🙂 xx

© 2022 Ironstone Wellbeing Centre 
Ironstone Place, Kettering
Northamptonshire, NN14 1FN