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Reformer Pilates, Mat Pilates and Pose Barre | Kettering

Reformer Pilates, Mat Pilates and Pose Barre Classes in Kettering

Pilates was originally called ‘Contrology’ and it was invented by, German-born, Joseph Pilates in the early 20th Century.  Contrology means ‘movement of all kinds’, which means it works the whole body.

Reformer Pilates and Mat Pilates are both low impact exercises that give you a whole-body workout.  They are both suitable for beginners and all levels of fitness. Pilates can help to improve your athletic performance and stamina, by strengthening and toning your core. It can also help improve your posture.  

Here are some tips to help you reap the benefits of your Pilates practice:

  • Focus on slow and controlled deliberate movements.
  • Remember that Pilates focuses on stabilizing one part of your body while moving another.
  • Ask our friendly Pilates instructors for helpful tips to modify your practice to suit your body.
  • You can choose to skip out anything that you know doesn’t suit your body.
  • Try out one or two group classes a week to begin with; and try out different types of Pilates classes to find out what you enjoy most.


Both Reformer Pilates and Mat Pilates provide a whole-body workout, by helping to work a varied range of motion.  With Reformer Pilates, the pushing and pulling techniques help to work your body against the resistance of different strength springs; which helps to build strength in opposite muscles in a balanced way for overall fitness.

If you’re new to Pilates, we would suggest that you try a mat-based Pilates class before booking yourself in for a reformer session. This will help you to become familiar with the basic Pilates principles.

You can choose from a fantastic variety of Pilates classes at Ironstone Wellbeing Centre. Take a look at our Class Timetable and give the following classes a try to see which ones you like best:

  • Reformer Pilates
  • Pilates (Mat Pilates)
  • Hot Pilates
  • Pilates for Back Care
  • Yogalates
  • Pose Barre
  • Barre Fitness


You can choose from group classes or private Reformer classes at the Ironstone Wellbeing Centre in Kettering.

Reformer Pilates uses special equipment that helps you to find length, core strength and muscle engagement within your practice. A Reformer is a bed-like frame with a flat platform that rolls back and forth on wheels. The platform is called the carriage and is attached on one end by a set of different strength resistance springs. As you progress you can increase or decrease the resistance, in order to make the exercise easier or to challenge yourself further.

The springs and sliding carriage of the reformer, along with our helpful instructor, will give you exercises with a varied range of movement. This can help relieve the stiffness built up through your daily routine. Reformer Pilates is for everyone, don’t be afraid of the machine! Our Pilates instructor will do an initial postural assessment and work with you to choose the right spring settings to suit your body.  Each week you can then increase the springs, or increase the repetitions that you do, to help improve your progress and fitness.  Please wear grip socks when on the reformer; these can be purchased at the Ironstone Wellbeing reception.


Pilates classes on the mat can be adapted for any age, body and fitness level. It’s ideal for beginners because all you need is your own body, a mat and some floor space to get started. Depending on your instructor, some Pilates mat classes may use a variety of small props such as squishy balls, stretch bands, foam rollers or blocks.  Props can help to give you more awareness of safely targeting the right muscle groups Props can also help to increase the challenge if you want to.


If you’re curious to find out more and explore the basics of Pilates at home, before coming along to a class at Ironstone Wellbeing Centre, why not try out this online 45-minute beginners Pilates video from the NHS Fitness Studio.


Pose Barre is a hybrid workout which fuses together elements of Ballet, Pilates, Yoga and strength training to give you an energising workout.  In the space of a one hour class, you get to work every major muscle in the body to upbeat, energising music.

A large focus in this class is helping to improve your posture by strengthening the core, chest and shoulders. This effectively helps you to stop slouching, leaving you standing tall and proud. Pose Barre also strengthens your glutes which means it strengthens and stables the pelvis, to better support your back, hips and knees. You don’t need to have any previous experience of Ballet, Pilates or Yoga to give Posse Barre a go.


If you’re not already a member at Ironstone Wellbeing Centre, find out about our single drop in, multiple class bundles or membership packages. Simply purchase your preferred option then head over to our timetable to choose and click on a class, and then ‘book now’.  Share this with a friend and invite them to come along to a class with you.  See you soon! Click on the links below to book your next class:

If you have any questions or would like help with booking your next Pilates or Pose Barre class, please get in touch with us by calling 01536 428953 or sending an email to info@ironstone.club.

© 2022 Ironstone Wellbeing Centre 
Ironstone Place, Kettering
Northamptonshire, NN14 1FN